Francesca Cancellaro, defense lawyer: “This motion has nothing to do with either the indictment or the investigative files, which are, however, the factual and legal basis from which the the existence of damage to the Ministry of the Interior are deduced. Rather, it is the imaginary result of an ill-conceived cut and sew, perhaps stemming from another proceeding in which the prosecutor was previously involved. A carelessness in the drafting of the deed that shows little respect to the defendants and to the court.”
Sul Dubbio il commento dell’avvocata Francesca Cancellaro - "Si tratta del frutto fantasioso di un “copia incolla” mal concepito, forse tratto da un altro procedimento in cui il governo era precedentemente coinvolto. Una disattenzione nella redazione dell'atto che mostra scarso rispetto per gli imputati e per il tribunale".